Level of Instructional Clarity of English Language Teachers at Selected Secondary Schools

  • Dr. Abate Demissie gedamu Arba Minch University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of English Language & Literature,
Keywords: Instructional clarity, level of clarity, quality teaching, student understanding


Instructional clarity is an essential issue for understandable and quality teaching. To this effect, this study aimed to examine the level of instructional clarity of English language teachers at selected secondary schools in Gamo Zone, Ethiopia. Accordingly, the study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive research design to collect and analyze quantitative data at one point in time about the instructional clarity of teachers. I selected 62 English language teachers using a comprehensive sampling technique from eight public secondary schools. The study employed a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire. I utilized a one-sample t-test to examine whether the English language teachers' instructional clarity was statistically above the expected mean (3.00). The study concluded that English language teachers maintained an overall instructional clarity meaningfully above average despite poor practices and ambivalent stances on some aspects of instructional clarity.


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How to Cite
gedamu, D. A. D. (2024). Level of Instructional Clarity of English Language Teachers at Selected Secondary Schools. Arba Minch University Journal of Culture and Language Studies , 2(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.59122/1347373