Ethiopia: An Emerging Renewable Energy Power Hub of Africa

  • Gashaw Ayferam Endaylalu Addis Ababa University
  • Yacob Arsano Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University


This study examines the emergence of Ethiopia as a renewable energy power hub in Africa by analyzing trends, patterns, changes, and continuities in the development of hydropower. Methodologically, the study used a qualitative research approach supported by a historical and geopolitical lens. The data used in this study was collected from 50 key informants from government institutions, regional organizations, academic institutions, research institutes, power sector advisors, and independent consultants. The study identifies three interrelated and mutually reinforcing factors that contribute to the repositioning of Ethiopia as an emerging renewable energy power hub of Africa. The vast renewable energy potential, water-based development attempts across successive regimes, and the booming of hydropower have transformed hydropower potential into 'real power' since 2000. The strategic location of the country specifically its hydrological, geological, and topographical characteristics have enabled the country to become a powerhouse and battery of the Horn of Africa. Additionally, the massive post-2000 hydropower development has simultaneously made the country heavily dependent on its hydropower as it generates more than 90 percent of the electricity from water. The study identified four patterns from hydropower development: the entanglement of domestic and international politics as the underlying factor for the country’s hydropower development, the strong correlation between political stability and hydropower development, the role of hydropower in foreign policy orientation and power balance, and the state-led nature of hydropower development. The study also find outs common barriers to hydropower development across the hydropower epochs, including the transboundary nature of the rivers, geopolitical factors, lack of finance, climate change, and political instability. Overall, the study reveals how Ethiopia's unique position combines abundant hydropower resources, development ambition, and strategic planning, allowing the country to become a major player and actor in the emerging world order that heavily relies upon renewable and green energy resources.

Keywords: Ethiopia, hydropower, renewable energy, hydropower potential


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How to Cite
Endaylalu, G. A., & Yacob Arsano. (2024). Ethiopia: An Emerging Renewable Energy Power Hub of Africa. Ethiopian Journal of Water Science and Technology, 6, 38-74.