An Advancing Academic Leadership Preparation: Linking Best Methodological Practices to Leadership Behaviors in Ethiopia’s Public University Context

Linking Best Methodological Practices to Academic Leadership Behaviors

  • Girma Mekuria Assistant professor, Arba Minch University, Arba Minch, Ethiopia


Linking best methodological practices in leadership preparation to leadership behaviors is a framework for investigating valuable leadership behaviors in learning organizations. However, the best subsets of methodological practices, that account for improving academic leadership behaviors are scant in public university terrain. This study intended to investigate the best subsets of methodological practices, which account for advancing academic leadership behaviors in the public university context. An equal stratified random sampling technique was employed to draw subjects. The author distributed 450 questionnaires to academic leaders in Ethiopia’s six public universities, of which 89%(401) were filled out and returned the questionnaires. Using SPSS-20, the author employed stepwise regression techniques to investigate the best subsets of methodological practices, which predict leadership behaviors. As a result, the investigated best subset of methodological practices are better at improving instructional leadership behaviors (39%) compared to improving transformational (15%), transactional(12%), and laissez-faire (1.5%) leadership behaviors. Multifactor feedbacks and action learning were the best subset, which predict transformational leadership behavior. More importantly, multifactor feedback, counseling, seminar, and action learning were the best subset, those predicting instructional leadership behaviors. Thus, there are best subsets of methodological practices, which account for academic leadership development in public university context.

Key Words: Academic Leadership; Leadership Preparation; Best Practices; Public Universities
