Secondary School English Language Teachers' Perceptions of Multi-grade Teaching Strategies

  • Abate Demissie gedamu Arba Minch University, Department of English Language and Literature


Now a day every classroom is composed of multi-level students in terms of language proficiency level. To this effect, this study examined secondary school English language teachers' perceived multi-grade teaching strategies. An analytical survey research design was adopted as the nature of the study was hypothesis testing. 65 EFL teachers were selected from five secondary schools in the Gamo Zone through a systematic random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the teachers on their perceived multi-grade teaching strategies.  A one-sample t-test, a one-way ANOVA test, and Tukey post hoc analysis were used to analyze the data. The study concluded that the English language teachers have had an above-middling understanding of multi-grade teaching strategy in general although their perceptions varied differentially across the subscales. Based on the findings, the local education bureau has been recommended to organize an intervention to build the teachers’ multi-grade pedagogical capacity to address all students.

Keywords: language proficiency level, multi-grade, multi-grade teaching strategies, perception
